The ioGates Two Factor Auth API

Master the Two-Factor Auth API in ioGates to enhance security through SMS verification, detailing the steps for initiating two-factor authentication, prompting for codes, and verifying user access.

Two-Factor Authentication Workflow

Two-factor authentication (2FA) in ioGates ensures an additional layer of security for accessing shared content. The process is designed to be straightforward, requiring verification only once per token/deviceId combination, utilizing SMS as the primary method.

Initiating Two-Factor Authentication

  • Endpoint: /api/apiauth/twofactorsms/{token}
  • Method: GET
  • Authorisation: A Bearer token is required, which is obtained from the auth token API.

    Authorisation: Bearer 123-BodrEJHrC43KejPcM0nzTl05gUMi3i8ruzGN

  • Functionality: This step triggers an SMS text message to the user's registered mobile number containing the 2FA code needed for verification.

Response Details

  • HTTP Status 200
  • message: Provides feedback on the initiation process.
  • type: Indicates the 2FA method, which is currently set to SMS.
  • auth_required: A boolean value that confirms whether 2FA is needed.
  • expiry: The expiration date and time of the SMS 2FA code, formatted in ISO-8601.

Verifying Two-Factor Code

  • Endpoint for Verification: /api/apiauth/twofactorsms/{token}
  • Method: GET
  • Request Format: Form URL-encoded, including the authcode parameter, which is the 2FA code received via SMS.

Response to Verification

HTTP Status Codes
  • 200: Code accepted.
  • 400: Bad request, possibly due to a missing code.
  • 401: Rejected due to the wrong code.
  • 403: Rejection due to no pending codes, indicating possible expiry.
  • 404: No codes available for verification.

Response JSON Body

message:   Information on result

Enhancing Security with 2FA

Implementing 2FA via the ioGates API not only elevates the security of accessing shared files and folders but also assures users of a safe and secure environment for their digital content. By integrating this additional verification step, ioGates reinforces its commitment to providing a robust and secure platform for cloud-based file management and collaboration.